Peter Max Holds the Reputation Of Being A Highly Acclaimed Pop Artist

Pop art is one of the most vibrant and interesting types of art forms popular across the world. This art form initially started from the streets of New York, just subsequent to the high popularity of Abstract Expressionists. Over the decades the world has seen a number of great pop artists, like Peter Max.  Mr.Max has gradually evolved from being a key visionary pop artist belonging to the 1960s, who then established his reputation as an emerging master of Neo-Expressionism. He is popular for creating a host of vibrant and colorful works, a number of which have emerged as a prominent part of the contemporary American culture. Numerous of his early works are considered to be synonymous with the pop art scene of the ’70s, and even the 60s.

Peter Maxemerged as one of the most prominent pop artists of his times

The popular pop art movement initially started from the United Kingdom, as well as the United States of America. This happened sometime during the period of the 1950s. The pop-art movement typically began by offering a challenge to the various traditional fine arts popular in the society back then, by choosing to incorporate imagery from a number of popular and mass culture. Pop artwork often includes inspiration from advertisements, movies, and even comic books. Many of them even feature certain mass-produced cultural objects that are known to all, which are in contract to the type of elitist imagery that one can witness in distinct traditional artworks.

Peter Max, one of the most well-established and renowned pop artists of the United States was born in the year of 1937. He is famed to have painted for six U.S. presidents, which is an incredibly huge honor by itself. He was even the official artist for the Winter Olympics U.S. team of 2006. Apart from this, over the years he has also created a host of spectacular artworks and art pieces on Woodstock, World Cups, U.S. Opens, as well as Super Bowls.

Even though the life and career of Peter Max were majorly based in the U.S, he was in fact not born there. Peter was born in Berlin, from where he later went on to live in Shanghai, China. After living there for a certain period of time, Peter and his family shifted to Haifa, Israel. Subsequent to that, his family slowly started to migrate westward, while stopping in Paris for a good period of time. Paris is popular for being the city of art and culture, and it was here where the bug of art first caught Peter. He was influenced by a number of artworks there, and started to develop an appreciation for it. This encouraged him to go ahead and start his formal training in art at the Art Students League of New York which is present in Manhattan. After the completion of his training, there was no looking back for his, as he went on to make his name as a highly prominent pop artist.