Ahmad Ashkar On How To Hire The Right Business Advisor

A business advisor is a person who can help you solve business issues and link the gap which exists between your aims and the realities. A business advisor can be in numerous forms and shapes: he/she can be a generalist, who excels in understanding your overall business and offer better ideas and execution plans or they can be a business financial planner or marketing individualist.

Ahmad Ashkar says that most of the time, entrepreneurs try to get expert business advice from those who are working in their company or from their families, friends, and relatives. But this is not appropriate. Those who are working in the company have definite objectives and goals of their own, and when you are looking for advice for a business problem, then their opinions will be biased and not without a filter of their worldview. The same goes for friends/family and relatives. And this is where business advisors for your business come into the picture. In most cases, business advisors you are hiring do not have any ownership in your company, and they have no reason to make you happy.

Thus, their opinion on a particular problem is without any prejudice, and without any program. All they care about is offering you assistance and help as a neutral observer, which assists them speak the truth. This impartial and non-prejudiced point of view makes business advisors an essential entity.

It is not obligatory for an entrepreneur to know everything about the business. An expert programmer can launch a company, but might not be aware of the financial nuances or marketing puzzles.  And while running a company, several issues come up. They are expected, and part of the package known as entrepreneurship. The most reasonable and creative way to solve such business issues is to take a business advisor’s services and solve it within the timeframe.

Business advisors can work as your coach, and help you achieve particular goals, within particular deadlines. Here are some tips to find the perfect business advisor:

  • Find a business coach who understands the special challenges of businesses, including retaining and recruiting employees, managing product marketing, securing capital funding, and keeping up with technology. Moreover, target an advisor who had success with your largest business challenge.
  • An advisor who specializes in your industry will understand your business concerns, speak your language, and know the competitive umbrella your business functions under. If you are lucky, they will have great industry contacts as well.
  • You can always post a job listing for a business advisor. While this can offer mixed results and take more time than some of the other options on this list, it can help you find a candidate who fits your exact requirements.

Ahmad Ashkar says that if the above mentioned tips does not work then ask your work associates, mentors, and members of your social network who they have used and would suggest in a business advisor capacity. Be particular about what you are searching for and do additional research on anyone they recommend.